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Social Media Strategy for Small Business in 7 Easy Steps

Social Media Strategy for Small Business in 7 Easy Steps

Step 6: Analyze Social Metrics

Step 6: Analyze Social Metrics

You’ve finally found your rhythm in feeding your corporate social media presence with content, enjoying the first positive results of your social media strategy.

But if you believe in Einstein’s saying that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expect different results”, then you must regularly analyze those results and realign your strategy accordingly.

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This extract is just one piece of a full 7-part guide! Download your FREE digital copy of our Social Media Strategy for Small Business in 7 Easy Steps.

Why Track Social Media Results?

Acquiring and compounding statistics from your various social channels will show you actual results of your social media strategy.

Firstly, even with the help of native social analytics, you WILL need some sort of automated social metrics tool or service.

Secondly, it probably won’t be enough as you will also need to look at your website analytics to analyze conversion rates.

Finally, you will need to pick your own brains to perform meaningful analysis aligned with your social media strategy goals.

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Focus On Meaningful Social Media Stats

Before we can do anything with them, you need hard numbers and stats that will at the very least show you where you’re really taking the cake and where you’re underperforming.

Since you’re trying to keep your social strategy plate as light as possible, you should focus first on meaningful numbers that are easy to collect, easy to compound, and easy to understand.

In this spirit of optimal efficiency, we’ll break social media metrics in two categories, input and output. Input reflects your own ongoing efforts while output shows how your audience is reacting to them.

Input Social Media Metrics

Measuring your own overall input on social media is pretty straightforward, as each social network usually offers detailed statistics that are easy to collect.



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Output Social Media Metrics

Social audience reach and engagement metrics are a little trickier to collect than input social media metrics, however you will readily get this information from any social networks analytics tool.

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Other Social Media Metrics

The social metrics outlined below are highly valuable but harder to collect as only the most advanced social analytics platform will not necessarily provide them.

Moreover, they are only meaningful to you if you can relate them to your social strategy goals:


Compounding & Analyzing Social Metrics

While observing and collecting data from each social network is rather straightforward, compounding the overall results from all your social networks is a whole different ball game.

The easiest way to go about this is to find answers to a few simple questions related to your initial goals such as:


The Burden of Social Proof

Once you’ve found the answers to your most pressing questions, you can move on to more intricate questions such as:

The whole process of acquiring, aggregating, compounding, analyzing and benchmarking your social media strategy successes - and failures - is no easy task.

But by inflicting this burden of proof on your own social media efforts is the only way to make progress in the right direction, and ultimately fulfill as many of the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Realigning Social Media Strategies

Just like you would deal with any of your product or service, you can now take decisions on how to realign your overall strategy.

A simple realignment is to put yet more time and efforts on developing the your most rewarding social activities and let the most underperforming aside for now.

Once again, it all depends on what your initial social media strategy goals were, and how they contribute to your main business objectives.

Social Metrics Key Take-Aways


Social Metrics Digest

Download Social Media Strategy for Small Business in 7 Easy Steps

Thanks for reading this extract. This is just one step, and we have a lot more tips and tricks for you in store.

To uncover all the secrets of mastering social media for your SMB, get your own free copy of SeoSamba's guide: just click below to download Social Media Strategy for Small Business in 7 Easy Steps.


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