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Get listed in major news

Get listed in major news

Get listed in major news: how to get your business on NBC in 3 days?

We wanted to share with you what happened recently to a customer of ours; Joachim Oster, the owner of Athena of Hawaii, a Kona coffee farm in Hawaii.

Joachim has the following story: "We just did one of our first news pieces through the SeoSamba's integrated news and press release services" (check the original Kona coffee news). This small report about the drought affecting the Kona coffee crop in Hawaii caught the attention of a local TV station the next day (check the video on the news site)".

But it got even better as Joachim continues: "Then our Hawaiian NBC affiliate station called to do a 30 sec phone interview with me. This interview along with some of the original footage ran the next day on the 5PM, 6PM and 10PM news--all the while showing our coffee farms web address on the TV LARGE type. Can't get better than that!" However, it did get better as AOL News picked up the news story as well. 

Of course, not every press release ends up being picked up by the media like it happened to Joachim, however, your website will gain optimized inbound links from our worldwide press release distribution network websites, in addition to RSS, and Twitter coverage. You're also building credibility up with the press as they see your name over and over. You progressively become a documented resource for your industry.

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