sales: (877) 450-9894
sales: (808) 164-5558
Company Info
Contact Info
Area code prefix for your territory (example - 303, 214...)
Short professional biography
Here is an example: Name is a your job title at Company Name, where Name action verb (e.g. coordinates, leads, trains, develops, or creates) what you do (e.g. videos, books, SaaS programs, or mobile apps), including sub-niche 1 or different task you do, sub-niche 2, and sub-niche 3. Name has accomplishment 1 (e.g. worked with big brands such as, exhibits at, won XYZ awards), and accomplishment 2, among other distinctions in the field. Name helps your target employer’s industry (e.g. marketing agencies, IT companies, or hotels, etc.) to appropriate action verb + goal or problem you can solve because of your professional skills (e.g. for IT support professionals you may write “troubleshoot software and hardware issues to ensure all systems are operational both for your clients and internal employees”).Name is a hobby 1, hobby 2 from city or state you live in.
Photo should have a white background, in high resolution. Minimum height - 550px, minimum width - 440px, resolution - 72dpi
Social networks
If you have already setup social media pages for your business, please provide your login credentials so that we can connect them to your website dashboard. If you do not have social media set up, SeoSamba includes set up of Facebook, Linkedin and Google My Business. Instagram set up can be added for an additional fee.
Twitter handle
Facebook Address
LinkedIn Address
Site Content
On the home page of your site, there's a place for a message from the owner that would help to establish credibility with your viewers. This can be a copy of your bio or a separate welcome message. The questions you want to cover in there are Who are you? Why are you doing this? What makes you different?
If you have collected any customer reviews/testimonials, please include them, or a link to them below.
Are there any other professionals working with you / team members and that you'd like to feature on the website?
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
The best wold be to have your photo from feet to head, made on a white background, in good resolution. Minimum height - 550px, minimum width - 440px, resolution - 72dpi
Form settings
Please use the form below to supply the required details for the "Contact us" form. The text fields have default values of auto-reply subject, text, success and error messages, however you may edit them as you wish.
Additional Requirements
Current Web Situation
Additional Service Add-on Options:
SeoSamba provides a number of time-saving marketing options to LIME Painting franchisees. Please indicate the services you’re interested in and SeoSamba will contact you to discuss your needs.
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