Claim your unfair advantage; Web site optimization for search engines is an important step towards achieving great search engine results.
Tricking search engines -whether through content stuffing, invisible doorway pages or hidden text- as an intentional misrepresentation is an enormous mistake in regards to customer trust and the relationship with your business.
This is why we've designed SeoSamba for "White Hat" SEO firms and their customers. In short, for people who are savvy and play by the rules.
Slightly re-engineering existing web pages and resubmitting them to search engines can have tremendous results, especially if search engines have been ignoring your web site.
SeoSamba will help you align your web sites with current SEO best practices, which eases the burden of managing and enhancing your search positions over time.
You can easily import your current web site to SeoSamba thanks to our web crawling utility. Alternatively, you can use our CSV import tool if you are currently a CMS for your web site, or create your site from scratch using SeoSamba's website revision system or CMS ( Content Management System ).
Check out our SEO videos, and contact our sales team for a free consultation.